To cut a long story short, for the development to proceed it is dependant on a regional plan change being approved by council (to change the "Special Usage Aviation" designation of the land parcel as I understand it), this change has not happened yet. No plan change, no development, it can't proceed without it.
The catch is that this change is scheduled for final approval voting at the council meeting on the 28th of August, so the petition needs to be signed sealed and delivered by the 21st to have any hope of delaying the decision, so time is short.
The petiton reads:
"We the undersigned, urge the council to defer the decision to approve any plan (inclusive of plan change 12) to subdivide Wigram Airfield for housing until such time as all interested parties have been fully consulted and briefed."
Mr Hampton has indicated he will be collecting signatures in the afternoons this week on the street outside the North Entrance to Hornby Mall (ie entrance opposite the Warehouse). He already has collected 150 signatures.
A PDF scan of the petition form is available here:
for any Christchurch folks who want to collect some signatures and post back to the petitioners (no fax, no email - it's got to be on the snail's back for this one).
Mr Hampton also advised that there will be an opinion article in the Press this Wednesday which is being effectively "rushed to print" by The Press to get it in before the date and should be an interesting read.
Mr Hampton also sent me a press release and article which are of interest here, he points out that "[The Minister of Lands and Ngai Tahu] were very clear that [Wigram] would be kept primarily for aviation purposes."
You can read the release and article from 1997 here:
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